Friday, July 2, 2010

Psalm 35:10

"All my bones shall say, "LORD, who is like You, Delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, Yes, the poor and the needy from him who plunders him?" Psalm 35:10

We had one when I was in school. Most every academic organization that teaches science has one. The lonely human skeleton hanging on a rack in the corner of the science lab, is a fascinating teaching aid. A Doctor or teacher in Anatomy can tell much about a person by examining the bones. He can tell if the person was male or female. He can determine their general physical condition. He can tell how they exercised or didn't all by looking at the bones of a dead person.

When we think of the human body, we come to a realization that the bones are either at the core of every extremity or surrounding and protecting vital organs. Without bones we not only have a lack of structure, we have a failure of the circulatory and immune systems because both red and white blood cells are created in the heart of the major bones.

A friend of mine worked for the ambulance service years ago. When I was a voluntary with the Auxiliary Medical Services I had the opportunity to ride along one night and tend to a young man involved in an accident. When I opened the door where he sat, he informed me that he had a serious bone condition, the slightest mishandling would cause his bones to snap and he had been in an auto accident. This young person was so protective of his bones that he was a miserable patient. I carefully checked his limbs. He screamed. They were not broken. I checked all that I could of his skeletal system. He moaned as though in great agony. He yelled. He swore. He was not broken. My friend and I carefully extracted him from the vehicle, secured him in the cot, and transported him to hospital. As we left the emergency room, he told us he had never been treated so well! You could have fooled me! The bones are that important, whether they are extra fragile or not.

Is it any wonder that David says, "All my bones shall say, "LORD, who is like You...?" David felt from the very depths of his being that there was no one like the Lord God. He knew it with all certainty. He certainly realized there was no one who would take the time or effort to continually deliver the afflicted. Yes, there are those of us who occasionally or maybe even regularly, take in the afflicted, but most of us prefer to ignore that "class" of people. They stink. They are not pretty. They may even complain more than your average individual. Special is the person who spends his life caring for such as these and God does it day in and day out for all ETERNITY.

And He did it for you! He has delivered all of us from our oppressors, those who would steal our joy, our peace, our contentment, and our relationship with the Father. He continues to deliver us from those who would rip away our salvation. There is indeed none like our God! Aren't you glad? Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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