Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eccl. 3:6

"A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away" Eccl. 3:6

It's scary, it really is. In the good old days of three or four years ago, if I couldn't find something, which was generally all the time, I could ask Carmel and she could find it in a few minutes. I think this is typical of most couples. The scary thing is that now I can find things when Carmel can't! This is a serious case of role reversal.

At least we haven't come to Solomon's suggestion yet. Most of our lost items turns up eventually. I couldn't find a software CD the other day. I knew it was in our home office. Couldn't find it at all. So, in the process of cleaning the office, wham! There it was, on my desk, under a stack of stuff.

Speaking of stacking and cleaning. Solomon does tell us that there is a time to keep and a time to throw away. The keeping is the easy part. My desk is full of things I have kept over the years. Then there is the "key drawer." It is full of keys. Some of them are marked with a note telling us what it goes to. Some we know because we use them on a regular basis. Then there are others. We have keys to door locks we have replaced; keys to things we have no idea what they are or were. We even have keys that we inherited and I think I picked a couple off the ground while out walking! It is probably time to throw them away.

Of this I am certain, I'm glad God didn't stop searching for me when I was lost. I am glad He found me. And I'm equally glad He didn't throw me away the first time I stumbled and fell from His grace. Sure, I was dirty, soiled, ruined, broken, and useless, but the Father picked me up, cleaned me off, fixed my broken spirit, and gave me a renewed sense of worth.

Do you feel the same way? Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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