Thursday, June 3, 2010

1 Cor 15:10

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" 1 Cor 15:10

Paul knew who he was. He was what God made him to be. He was satisfied with that. He had no ambition to be anything else. He was content in that knowledge.

What he wasn't content with was how much he could do for God! He says he "labored even more than them all" (that is the other Apostles) - excuse me - he qualifies that he didn't labor, but the grace of God labored in him and with him. See, Paul wasn't one of the chosen 12. He wasn't even chosen by the others to replace Judas. As a matter of fact, when they were chosen, he was an unbeliever - an antagonistic unbeliever - an enemy! Still, God chose him, and that was enough for Paul. He would do everything in his power to serve God.

Why, because he was extended a large portion of God's grace. You and I have been afforded that same thing - all the grace we need to be redeemed. What sins have we committed that God has forgiven - again and again? He saved us from the pits of hell, where we belong - all of us! Should we not give God as much as Paul gave? God has called us for a purpose. Now, we could take years to debate what the purpose is - and perhaps miss it completely. There is only one sure way to know God's will. Paul knew what it was. He shares it with us. We must live our lives for Him - and Him alone. We must burn ourselves out for God. Day and night, we must be willing to do all that He asks.

If we can live like that, we will find God's will. We won't have to look for it. We won't have to agonize over it. We won't even have to ask Him what it is. It will come naturally. We will just live it. In the end (or beginning of the next phase of eternity) Jesus will say "When I was hungry, naked, cold, destitute, imprisoned, you took care of me." We, like the people in Jesus parable, will not know when, where or how, until He shares it with us - we just lived our lives, doing our best to serve God in any way possible, and we DID IT!!!!! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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