Friday, June 4, 2010

Acts 7:1-3

"Then the high priest said, "Are these things so?" And he said, "Brethren and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said to him, Get out of your country and from your relatives, and come to a land that I will show you" Acts 7:1-3

What would you say? If you were in Stephen's place, what would you say when the high priest asked you if you were continually preaching against the Temple and the Jewish beliefs? Would you stammer and stutter and say insane things? Would you shake in your sandals and say nothing? Would you be able to quote scripture to explain to this "holy man" what you were doing and why? Would you say things to placate the man so he might possibly let you live? Would you say what God wanted said no matter what the cost?

Obviously, we are not Stephens, and we will never face the Jewish high priest, but we will be called upon to defend our faith. It may start with a neighbor or a co-worker ridiculing you because you read the Bible on lunch break. It may begin with a family member who thinks you are being "holier than thou" because you attend church services regularly. Who knows where it will begin, but it will.

Will you be prepared to speak up for Jesus?

Eventually your stand for Jesus may reach the courts. Would there be enough evidence to convict you? When the judge asks you what you were thinking, what will you say? "Oh, but that could never happen. This is Hong Kong. We enjoy religious freedom. It is guaranteed by the Basic Law." Yes, it is. But have you noticed how our freedoms are being slowly eroded away by the people representing China?

Sooner or later someone will use those small "infringements" to crack down on "renegade fundamentalist" Christians. Eventually you will be a target. Then YOU will have to defend your faith in Jesus Christ before authorities we now call our friends.

Will you be prepared to speak up for Jesus? Will you be able to defend your faith? By the grace of God, we can, but we must begin now (or continue to do so) to instill within our spirits the Word of God so that the Spirit of God can draw upon it when He directs our defense of our faith in our Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen.

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