Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Matt. 15:34

"Jesus said to them, "How many loaves do you have?" And they said, "Seven, and a few little fish." Matt. 15:34

God used so many small things in preparing mankind to receive the Gospel. There is the account of the small cake given to the prophet Elijah that saved the life of the prophet, the widow and her son until the rains returned to Israel. Jesus talked about the widow who placed two small coins in the offering box - and how those coins were worth more than all the gold the rich had deposited. The Master talked about the small mustard seed and how it demonstrated the nature of the Kingdom of God. In today's verse we see the reference to seven small loaves and a few small fish. With these, Jesus fed the multitudes.

A man came to Jesus with a demon-possessed son. Jesus asked the man about the strength of his faith. The man responded that he believed, but sought help with his unbelief - his small faith. It is always the small things that mean so much; the small action, the little kind word, the small widow who prays, or the small contribution.

Nothing or no one is too small for God to use.

Jesus tells us that it is the little people, the invisible people, the seemingly insignificant people who are the greatest in the Kingdom. While you and I may look at the great and the famous with awe, God looks at the simple man who is praying for that person - and considers him to be great. While we make room for the famous politician to speak in our pulpits, God looks at the janitor who, at his own expense, ministers to the poor of our community. While we pay the great expositors of the Word huge sums of money to proclaim the Good News from our pulpits, God seeks out the man or woman who will speak an appropriate word at the right time. That is the person God can use to reach the hearts of lost.

Do not despair if you are one of those who is always overlooked by those around you. If you are doing the simple things you know God wants you to do, you are one of the greatest in the Kingdom. God can trust you to do what is needed. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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