Saturday, April 17, 2010

1 Kings 8:27

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built!" 1 Kings 8:27

It must have been a magnificent place, this temple that Solomon built. So much gold. So much bronze. So much stone and wood and labor and pillars all around. But Solomon had a glimpse of the power of God. Sure, he built a home for God. But he was wise enough to realize that God would not dwell there. It was too small. The entire universe was too small for this God of the Jews.

Still, we today continually put God in a box - not a house or a temple - a box. "How do we do that?" you may be asking. We do it by limiting the power of God to what we can imagine. We all have or know friends who have or had insisted that God could heal his or her husband, wife, etc. While he or she was at death's door. They had bone cancer, lupus, etc. They were sick beyond imagination and was weak as a kitten. They could not stand, or walk. The doctors had given up. And, I must admit, most of us had given up as well. We (The relatives and friends) were trying to figure out how we could prepare this poor woman or man for her loved ones demise.

Ah, but we had limited God to what the doctors said and what we could see. She had opened the lid on her box. Her God could do the impossible - AND HE DID! A few months later this DEAD PERSON was driving all over town, Praise God! It was an amazing recovery! Even the doctors were astounded.

So what problems are you facing? Think they are too big to be solved? May I suggest that you open the lid to your God box and stuff the problem in there. God will certainly devour it and deliver you from the trouble you face. All you have to do is let Him be God Almighty. He's much bigger and more powerful than you could ever imagine! AND NO PROBLEM IS TOO LARGE FOR HIM. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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