Wednesday, July 15, 2009

John 9:16

"Therefore some of the Pharisees said, "This Man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath." Others said, "How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?" And there was a division among them" John 9:16

"I can't believe it. I just cannot believe it. Until I see, no, until I can put my fingers into the nail prints in Jesus' hands and thrust my hand into the wound in His side, I just will not believe that He is alive!" These famous words of Thomas serve to introduce the thoughts of today's verse and our continuing examination of the healing of the blind man.

We have seen that Jesus cannot be put in a box. He heals many different ways - including spitting on the ground and making mud. We have seen that the neighbors were curious and amazed at the change in their friend, the blind man. Today we will examine the reaction of the religious leaders - the Pharisees.

As our story continues the authorities are called to the scene. These wonderful, knowledgeable fellows are interested in the work done to our hero, the blind man. But they are more interested in the "why's" and "when's" than they are about the miracle. "Who did you say did this? How did He do it? And He did it when? On the Sabbath? Ah-ha! A sinner! How can this man be a prophet of God when He works on the Sabbath? Doesn't He know that this is a day of rest?" They were more interested in the letter of the law. There was no rejoicing on the part of the Pharisees. Hardly! They saw a threat to their way of living. Someone had broken one of THEIR laws.

Yes, I said their laws. God, when He instituted the Sabbath, made the seventh day a day of rest for the benefit of MAN. After a hard six days of labor, God knew that man needed a time to relax, unwind, rest from the labors of his hands. The Jewish legalists, on the other hand, had created a number of laws to interpret what God had said. They had made MAN for the SABBATH - putting the day before the creature or the Creator. It was forbidden to cook on the Sabbath. But a person could lift a fork to eat. It was forbidden to herd sheep on the Sabbath, but a shepherd could pull a wayward sheep from a ditch. It was forbidden to heal on the Sabbath - even though the situation presented itself. You see Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath - a breaking of MAN's interpretation of GOD's law. These "leaders", interpreters of the Law, saw a challenge to their authority and they were furious!

Times really haven't changed much. We, the righteous elder brothers, have a tendency to interpret the ways of Jesus much to narrowly. Almost every places the world has their "blue" laws - laws determining what can and can't be done on Sunday. Every church organization has a list of what can and can't be done by their members. Some denominations forbid dancing - but David danced before the Lord. Others forbid using instruments in worship - but the Psalms tell us to worship God with the sound of the harp and the flute and the tambourine. Some forbid emotions in worship while others tell us to raise our hands in praise and shout joyfully! Some even forbid the ordination of a person called by God, as he is over 50 years of age. Who is right and who is wrong? Are the modern Pharisees - the theological leaders of our denominations - interpreting the laws of Jesus too strictly? I see Jesus presenting only two laws: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart ... and love your neighbor as yourself. In these are all the law fulfilled."

Have we become so consumed with the "why", the "how", and the "when" that we forget the wonder of the miracle of salvation and the joy of worship? We all need to open our eyes. Amen and Amen.

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