Saturday, July 4, 2009

John 2:8-9

"And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast." And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom" John 2:8-9

It is a fact. You can't get something from nothing for nothing. Patent Offices around the world will not patent, or even look at, a "perpetual motion device." Why? Because they can't be built. It is impossible to get some machine to overcome the restraints of gravity, friction, and inertia without some kind of energy being expended. What's more, once motion is started, it must have additional energy expended to keep it in motion. That is a summary of the laws of physics.

Jesus said "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." What was about to happen was a miracle. It couldn't happen, but it did. The impossible was about ready to become possible. The wedding was to soon receive something for nothing! Or was it? Jesus was turning water into wine! Jesus started with something, and came up with something better. How did it happen? Jesus used the laws of physics to perform this miracle. Before you hang me for heresy, let me explain.

God created these laws. He used them to create all that we see, feel, taste, smell, and hear. He had nothing physical to start with - but He had lots of energy... His. He converted that energy into light, sun, moon, earth, plants, animals, and ultimately, man. Remember the Father bent down upon His knees and formed man out of the dust of the earth - His own creation - made from the expenditure of His own energy. Then, to give this clay form life, He breathed His own breath into the creature's nostrils and he, the creature, lived!

Jesus did exactly the same thing. He took a few gallons of water, expended a bit of His own energy, and the water became wine. No it didn't take much energy. Jesus never touched the water. He didn't "speak" to the water. He didn't even command the water to be turned into wine. He simply said, "Take it." They did, it did, and the headmaster of the wedding was amazed. He had no idea where it came from, but the servants did. They knew the secret. This late invitee, this last minute guest, did it!

Jesus does the same with you and me every day. We offer Him our sinful lives. He takes the offering, cleans it up, washes it with the detergent called "Blood," and makes it into something that it was not. What is our part in THIS miracle? Actually, there is nothing we can or need do. The offering is simply a surrender of what is God's to God. He could simply take it. But He prefers to let us think we are doing something - He knows human nature pretty well. He does all the creative work. He cleanses. He washes. He pays the cleaning bill. He returns to us what we have surrendered to Him. We receive all the benefits while He does all the work. His energy is expended. Even in the spiritual life of man, God's laws of physics apply.

Jesus turned the water into wine. He turns our sinful hearts into something glorious for the Father. It's all in a day's work - for Jesus. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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