Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Thought and Prayers

Today there is no sermon. I simply want to share a simple little story with you - and then have you consider in a minute or two of silence what the Christmas story means to you - and then, in a time of prayer lead you further into the conversation with God that you have already started with our hymns and readings and with the time of silence.

The story goes like this:

There once was a father wanted to read his news magazine, but he was being bothered by his little daughter, Vanessa.

In the manner of children everywhere, she was bouncing around where he was sitting - asking her Daddy to pay her some attention - asking him to look at this - and to tell her about that - and generally she was more in his face than was his magazine.

How many of you have been there with a child of yours?

After a while, and with a certain sense of exasperation, Vanessa's father came up with scheme to keep her busy so he could read in peace.

He pulled a page out of his magazine, on which was printed the map of the world. Tearing it into small pieces, he gave it to her along with some tape and said, "Go into the other room and see if you can put this together."

After only a few minutes, Vanessa returned and handed her Father the map - correctly fitted together.

Her father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly.

"Oh," she said, "on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus. When I got Jesus in His place, then the world came out all right."

When I got Jesus in his place, the world came out all right.

Both the wonder and the challenge of Christmas is this: - it is about getting Jesus in his place and keeping him there so that the world, and so that our lives, come out all right.

Think now about the place of Jesus in your life and ask - is he is his place - the place he wants? That place where, when he is there, causes the world to come out all right.....

Let us be silent for two or three minutes as we think about this and whatever else God may be putting upon our hearts - and then we will pray....


Loving God, as Christmas comes each year we are tempted to say, "We have heard all this so many time before; we know the story of by heart." Lord, remind us of the difference between knowing the story and knowing the one that the story is about. Help us to see ourselves and our attitudes lived out by the people in the Christmas story and help us to embrace the good and turn away from the bad.... Lord, hear our prayer....

We think, O Lord, of the inn-keeper who couldn't find room for you in his inn.... Dear Father, may we cease from cluttering our lives with countless things - things that don't really matter - things that crowd you out....Lord hear our prayer

We think, O Lord, of Herod - hostile, jealous, and hating, because he was afraid of what your coming might do to him... Dear Father, replace our jealousies with unselfish joy, our fears with hope, and our hates with forgiveness... Lord, hear our prayer....

We think, O Lord, of the shepherds who were scorned by others as unskilled labourers and regarded by many as ignorant sinners, but who heard the music of your coming even while they worked... Dear Father, deliver us from pride that thinks some tasks too menial, and from prejudices that blind us to your glory... Lord, hear our prayer...

We think, O Lord, of the wise men from the east; who journeyed far to find you and who heeded the dreams that you gave to them.... Dear Father, grant to us a will like theirs - the will to seek you out despite the obstacles the world puts in our path - the will and the desire to listen to you and to worship you and to give you our most precious gifts....... Lord, hear our prayer...

We think, O Lord, of Mary and of Joseph who gave over their lives to you and who did all that you asked of them so that through Christ Jesus, Emmanuel, you might show your love for the whole world.... Dear Father, help us to surrender our lives to you and to Christ Jesus as did they and to know the glory that they received because of their faith.... Lord, hear our prayer....

We think, O Lord, of the Angels who proclaimed the birth of Jesus with a song of joy and who announced that peace comes to all who with whom you are pleased.... Dear Father, help us to joyfully proclaim the good news of Christ Jesus through our lives. This year let those love now who have never loved before; and let those who always loved - now love even more....Lord, hear our prayer...

0 God, our loving Father, help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesusand to put him in his right place so that we may share in the songs of the Angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. May Christmas this year make us happy to be your children. We pray our joy in the birth of Christ will last forever and that our love for Christ will
be a light to the world, both now and forevermore. Amen.

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