O Lord, we pray, speak in this place, in the calming of our minds and in the longing of our hearts, by the words of my lips and in the thoughts that we form. Speak, O Lord, for your servants listen. Amen.
The scripture readings for today are each so rich.
We have the prophet Isaiah declaring how the promised one - was called from his mother's womb to be the one who brings salvation to the people of Israel - and more - who is appointed to be a light to the gentiles.
It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth."
And we have Paul speaking to people of Corinth - to the believers in that city - and saying that they will be kept strong and blameless till the time of the promised one's return - strong through the spiritual gifts that God has poured out on Christ's people through the Holy Spirit - and blameless because of the what Christ has done for us on the cross.
Very rich readings indeed. As is today's Gospel lesson with it's account of the testimony that John the Baptist makes about Jesus - and it's description of how Andrew (for whom this church is named) first visited with Jesus and then, on the following day, brought his brother - Simon Peter - to meet Jesus.
Today I want to focus mainly on the gospel lesson - and within that - mainly upon part of the testimony that John the Baptist made about Jesus on two separate days. The first part.
"Look" said John on the first day, pointing to Jesus as Jesus draws near to him and his disciples "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
And on the second day John again says to his disciples as Jesus approaches. "Look, the Lamb of God".
What does John the Baptist mean when he calls Jesus the Lamb of God? What is a Lamb of God - that Jesus could be called "The Lamb of God?
Is John referring to the thousands of lambs that were sacrificed daily at the temple in Jerusalem? Those lambs whose blood was spilled as a means of connecting the people with God? Those lambs whose death expressed the worshippers' acknowledgement of God's power over life and death?
The lambs that were sacrificed at the temple each day died as a way of thanking God for the abundance of the harvest, for the increase in the people's herds and flocks, and as a thank offering for the birth of a new child.
The time of sacrifice was a time of communion
- of communion between those who came to worship as the law required
- and of communion between them and God.
The flesh of the lamb was consumed by the worshippers and by the priests who offered the sacrifices. Much as we do today as we gather to commune with God and to thank God for being our God - prayers were said, psalms were sung, scripture was read, and the people affirmed by their presence and by their offering that they were the children of God and brothers and sisters to one another.
Is it these lambs of thanksgiving - of communion that John refers to when he calls Jesus 'The Lamb of God'?
Or is John referring to another kind of lamb - to the Passover Lamb, that lamb that every household in Israel slaughtered each year and whose blood was then painted on the doorposts of their homes as a way of remembering the first Passover - that time when the angel of the Lord passed over the homes of the children of Israel as they suffered in slavery in Egypt and struck down the first born of their taskmasters?
The flesh of the Passover Lamb was entirely consumed on the night of the Passover - thus commemorating the strength that God gave the people to make their escape from bondage in Egypt - an escape that led them to the land of promise - to the land where God would give to them - in abundance - every good thing they needed.
Which kind of lamb is 'The Lamb of God'?
We believe that it is both kinds of lambs - but in particular - we believe that it is the Passover Lamb that John the Baptist had in mind - that Lamb whose blood signified that those who sheltered behind it were to be spared death and given new life in a new land.
But when John points at Jesus and says "behold the lamb of God" - he says something more about Jesus than the images of the Passover Lamb and the Lambs of Thanksgiving might suggest to us. He says that this person, this Lamb of God, provided by God's own hands, does more than simply spare the lives of his chosen people and help to bring them to the promised land.
He is saying that this particular lamb - this particular person - has been given by God to take away the sins of the whole world.
Sin, as every child of Israel knew, leads to death.
Permanent Death.
Final Death.
That is - indeed the point of the story of Adam and Eve - who upon eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - come under the sentence of death. And that is the message of the story of Noah and the flood and the message of every prophet sent by God to the people of Israel.
Sin leads to death. Not just for the people that God has chosen - but for all humankind.
As the Apostle Paul so simply puts it in his letter to the Romans "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"
What John is indicating when he points to Jesus and says "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" is that this man - this Jesus - is the one promised by Isaiah and so many of the other prophets: that he is the one who is sent by God to bring salvation to the ends of the earth - the one who will free all people from slavery to sin and reconnect them to the perfect and holy God who created and austains us.
He is saying that Jesus will free all people from the sentence of death, not just those people God chose at the beginning to be his people - and he is giving to those who hear him - to his own disciples - an indication of how that would come about, namely by the offering of his body and his blood.
Just as the Passover lamb is slain so that it's blood may cause death to pass by the homes of the children of Israel and it's flesh may sustain the people as they escape from their bondage, and just as lambs in the temple were killed so that the prayers of thanksgiving and dedication might be heard by God and so that the people might rejoice and eat together, so the Lamb of God who takes away the Sin of the World will offer his body and his blood for us - and to us - once and for all.
From the time of his baptism by John, Jesus is led like a lamb to his eventual slaughter in Jerusalem.
His teachings and his healings, the miracles he works and the journeys that he makes during his ministry entire ministry, leads to one moment - his sacrifice on the cross.
"Here is the Lamb of God" we say, as we stand stunned, watching our Saviour's blood drain from his body for our salvation.
Here is one who was unblemished - one who was with out sin - an innocent one taking upon himself the punishment that should be ours; giving his life that we may have life.
As all the saints and the angels in heaven say
"Worthy is the Lamb, the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise!"
A tourist visited a church in Germany and was surprised to see the carved figure of a lamb near the top of the church's tower.
He asked why it was there and was told that when the church was being built, a workman fell from a high scaffold. His co-workers rushed down, expecting to find him dead. But to their surprise and joy, he was alive and only slightly injured.
How did he survive? A flock of sheep was passing beneath the tower at the time, and he landed on top of a lamb. The lamb broke his fall and was crushed to death, but the man was saved.
To commemorate that miraculous escape, someone carved a lamb on the tower at the exact height from which the workman fell.
That expresses a tiny bit of what it means when John says "Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" The sense indicated by Isaiah with his promise of one "who will bring salvation to the ends of the earth".
And with it's visible symbol, the carving on the bell tower that gives testimony to what happened, it expresses a tiny bit of another important part of the Gospel reading today - that of John calling out to his own disciples - and to all those who would hear his voice: "Look - the Lamb of God."
As you know it was because John the Baptist said "look" that Andrew and another disciple - most likely the Apostle John - turned and followed Jesus and became excited by what they experienced with him and became his disciples.
And it was because of Andrew telling his brother Simon "We have found the Messiah" and then bringing Simon to him - that Simon became Peter - the Rock of the Church.
I call you to behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Like John the Baptist, I do not want you to follow me
- I want you to follow the one who gives everyone who comes to him life and that abundantly.
- I want you to follow the innocent one, the pure one, the one of God and from God who offered himself as the unblemished sacrifice for our sins, once and for all.
I want you to follow Jesus and have the angel of the Lord's judgement pass over your house and for you to escape from bondage and enter the promised land.
And more - I want you to be like John - and Andrew - and Simon Peter - and every disciple since.
I want you to call to those who trust you and to those who will hear your voice - I want you to call to them and say "look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is still with us - to make us free and to make us holy and to give us eternal life"
There is not one of us who does not need to draw closer to the Lamb of God. There is not one of us who does not need to come to Jesus and be cleansed and forgiven and given life. There is not one of us who does not need to experience Jesus and his transforming love on a deeper basis - day by day.
The Lamb of God my friends is here - here in the book we read, here in the songs we sing and the prayers that we pray, here in the love that we share and the forgiveness we grant in his name, here in the laughter and here too in the pain. He is here in the Spirit that God poured out upon the world in response to his sacrifice.
He is here - and he is in heaven above interceding for and protecting his people and calling to all the world to come and be healed.
Blessed be his name - now and forevermore. Amen.
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