Thursday, March 17, 2011

Matthew 13:33

"Another parable He spoke to them: "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened." Matthew 13:33

This is truly an intense message in the power of the Truth - God's 'life' saving grace. I believe we do not always recognize what a miracle He has wrought in us, for He has blessed us abundantly twice over. We consider the word 'life' with little regard for its profoundness. And it is so often in Scripture that His message is contained in a single word. Life. This word rolls off our tongues with such ease we barely conceive its truth any longer. When we read in scripture any reference to 'life', we hardly pause to think about what we have just read. And yet, the entire Bible is based on this simple word - Jesus came that we might have 'life.' The world plagiarizes its meaning, giving it a definition wholly unintended by God. We walk further and further away from the miraculous impact of this divine wonder.

In the beginning, before time was, before we were, He knew us, and so we were given 'the breath of life.' This in itself is a miracle beyond imagining. There isn't a DNA experiment ever designed, nor one that will ever be conceived that will enable man to 'breath life' into anything. We must take that breath of life already given. It cannot be found for it belongs solely to the Creator of all things.

What egotists we are to even consider that we might be able to recreate 'life.' How slowly does the mind of the most intelligent species on earth sometimes work. Man has yet to acknowledge that which we so desperately seek, "that which causes life to be," is not ours to give, and will never be. We live simply because our Father God determined that we should and 'gave us life.'

We are then doubly blessed with one more miracle of miracles. The One True God chooses to give us, for all eternity, a renewed life, a new life in His Son, Jesus Christ. With this, the breath of life that is us, is transformed, made new, polished until its light shines forth. We are now the embodiment of the truest definition of 'life' - living as a child of God by the grace of His Holy Spirit in love and forgiveness.

With this second miracle, we have come full circle, and are now one with the Father in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So whenever we see the word 'life' written so quietly in the pages of His Word, perhaps we should pause for a moment, and praise His Holy Name for the unfathomable miracle He has wrought in us - His gift - His breath of life become eternal in Jesus, - Immanuel - God with us. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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