Monday, October 19, 2009

Pro. 23:6-8

"Do not eat the bread of a miser, Nor desire his delicacies; For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. "Eat and drink!" he says to you, But his heart is not with you. The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, And waste your pleasant words" Prov. 23:6-8

Today's verses paint quite a picture, don't they? I imagine sitting down to eat with Jabba the Hutt from the Star Wars films. Jabba was a gangster type individual who was humongously fat and ugly. Everyone served Jabba. No one dared deny "his majesty" anything. To eat with this character was to pledge allegiance to him. At that point everything one has became the property of Jabba, for the price of a meal! No, I do not consider that eating with Jabba to be an appealing prospect.

But eating with a selfish man would be exactly like that. The "free food" one receives will cost everything. The delicacies devoured will become poison to the soul. Should a person desire his possessions and riches, he will destroy and take all for his own. The selfish man has no one's interests in his mind but his own. The end result is sickness, sickness of heart and soul.

So, if eating with a selfish man is madness and eating with a king is foolishness, whom do we eat with? The obvious choice might be a wise and selfless man. This type of individual gives with no desire to receive in return. He will invite a person to a meal without expecting to be invited for a reciprocal visit. He will share his last slice of bread without reservation. He will take the coat off his back and give it without hesitation. And his gift is totally without strings attached! But there is another source of food that we might want to consider.

Jesus is to himself as "the Bread of Life" (John 6:35 and 48). Jesus tells us that anyone who eats of this Bread will never hunger again. Hmm! That sounds good. He also tells us that all who eat of physical bread will die, but those who eat of His Bread will live forever. Yes! That sounds even better. Could you imagine the reaction of the 5,000 if they had heard this about the bread Jesus broke and multiplied for them? There would have been a lot of hoarding going on, not for personal consumption but to share with beloved family and friends!

But Jesus is speaking of neither physical hunger nor physical life. He is referring to the spiritual hunger that slowly eats at all men's bodies. We all long for a time when our spirits are at peace. Until we find the Bread of Life, a throbbing knowing that "something" is wrong tears at our insides. We search high and low for nourishment that will satiate that hunger, but nothing lasts. Riches satisfy for a while, but that soon proves to be fleeting. We may try to satisfy our appetites with physical pleasure, but that too leaves us empty. We can accumulate "things" only to find that these satisfy about as long as a bowl of rice gratifies a serious hunger.

Only Jesus can provide what all men seek. Only He provides real peace. Only He brings life, anything else provides, at best, temporary satisfaction.

If you are hungering today for something that you cannot find, your search is over. The Son of God desires above all else to meet your needs, beginning with your need to be a peace with the Father. Call upon Him today. He will satisfy forever. Amen and Amen.

Now I have serious question for You... Are YOU Right with God?

True Christianity is not about attending a particular church, or how your parents raised you, or what country you were born in. Being a Christian means that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that He is your Savior. It's not good enough that your priest, pastor, mother, or aunt knows Jesus, you must know Him for yourself. They cannot believe in Him for you, you must believe for yourself. They cannot repent for you, you must repent for yourself.

Jesus is everywhere all the time. He can hear you now if you ask Him for forgiveness. Please turn your life over to Him NOW. Time slips by so quickly, don't miss this opportunity. If you want to pray and ask Jesus to be your Savior, you can say a prayer something like this:

"Jesus, I know that I have sinned against you. I know the truth is that I have sinned by my own choice, and I am the one responsible for it. I know that I have earned punishment from you, and that the fair punishment would be death. Jesus, I believe that You died in my place. Forgive me for my sin. I cannot cover or take my sin away, I am relying totally and only on You. You are the only one who can save me. I reject my sin, I turn away from it, I repent. Come into my life, take away my sin, and show me how to live my life in a way that is right and pleasing to You." Thank You Jesus, Amen

If you have prayed this, YOU ARE SAVED! You are now completely forgiven, a new creation, innocent in the eyes of God, please e-mail me and let me know and I will guide you toward Fellowship and Baptism. Welcome to the family of God! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

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