Saturday, October 31, 2009


Many in our secular society believe Halloween is nothing more than a harmless festival that allows kids to collect candy. But is it? Its origins lie deeply rooted in the occult, and Christians should stay away. Here are ten reasons why.

1. October 31st has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead." The Celtic tribes and their priests the Druids celebrated this day as a marker for the change from life to death.

2. Halloween today is performed usually by adherents of witchcraft who use the night for their rituals. Witches celebrate Halloween as the "Feast of Samhain," the first feast of the witchcraft year. Being a festival of the dead, Halloween is a time when witches attempt to communicate with the dead through various forms of divination.

3. Christians should not be involved with occultic practice or divination. Note God's command against divination in Deuteronomy 18.

4. Occultists believe Halloween is a time of transition between life and death. Some occult practitioners practiced divination and believed you could learn the secrets of life and wisdom by lying on a grave and listening to the messages from the long-departed.

5. Occultists also taught that spirits and ghosts left the grave during this night and would seek out warmth in their previous homes. Villagers, fearful of the possibility of being visited by the ghosts of past occupants, would dress up in costumes to scare the spirits on their way. They would also leave food and other treats at their door to appease the spirits so they would not destroy their homes or crops but instead move on down the road. That is the real reason why kids dress up in costumes today and go door-to-door seeking treats.

6. Occultists also would try to scare away the spirits by carving a scary face into a pumpkin. This horrible visage would hopefully move the spirit on to another home or village and spare that home from destruction. Sometimes the villagers would light a candle and place it within the pumpkin and use it as a lantern (hence the name, Jack-o-Lantern). This is the origin of carving pumpkins at Halloween.

7. In some witchcraft covens, the closing ritual includes eating an apple or engaging in fertility rites. In the Bible (Genesis 3), eating a piece of fruit brought sin and death into the world. In witchcraft, eating an apple is symbolic of bringing life. The practice of bobbing for apples brings together two pagan traditions: divination and the fertility ritual.

8. Schools are removing any religious significance from Christmas (often called winter break) and Easter (spring break). Isn't it ironic that most public schools still celebrate Halloween even though it has occultic origins?

9. Participating in Halloween gives sanction to a holiday that promotes witches, divination, haunted houses, and other occultic practices.

10. Christians should avoid Halloween and develop creative alternatives. Churches can hold a Fall Fun Festival and/or celebrate Reformation Day (also October 31). They should not endorse or promote Halloween.

Copyright © 2001 Probe Ministries

Friday, October 30, 2009

John 1:1-2

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God." John 1:1-2

Let's start with the question of who Jesus is. John gives us a rather open, though a bit mystical answer. He calls Jesus "The Word" and tells us that The Word was with God and The Word was God and The Word was in the very beginning. Like I said, John is somewhat mystical or philosophical in his statement. Let's examine his statements one by one.

The Word is Jesus, that is found in verse 14 where John tells us that The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He completes this thought in verse 17 when he simply tells us that Jesus is whom he is talking about. OK. So Jesus is The Word. What does that mean? John tells us that Jesus spoke nothing except what He heard the Father speak (John 5:19). Jesus was therefore the spokesman for the Father, the Living Word of God. With this established, let's move on to the next statement.

The Word was with God. This is important. We have already established that Jesus spoke and did only what the Father told Him to speak. This could indicate a subordinate position, and there are those who argue this point. But they would be wrong. The word "with" indicates a rather close relationship. When a person is "with" someone, the implication is that the person spends considerable time in the presence of that individual. The question is when and where did the person spend time with someone. Fortunately John tells us that as well.

The Word was with God from the very beginning. Depending upon your personal philosophy and understanding of eternity, the beginning may be the beginning of human chronology (the creation) or more literally, from the very beginning of eternity. Either way, that is a long-term relationship. I personally believe that time was created by God "in the beginning" so that you and I would have something to peg events upon. With God, time is totally irrelevant. Since He has always existed, He has no need of time. We, on the other hand, find eternity past or eternity future hard to comprehend, though the latter, eternity future, is an easier concept to grasp than past eternity. We DO seem to ask, "Where did God come from?" But, just in case you are not sure that time alone is sufficient to make Jesus equal with God, read the next statement.

The Word WAS God. Does John mean that the Father and the Son are co-equal? It rather appears that, that is his implication, they are so co-equal that they are literally fused into one being. I rather suspect that indeed the Son, The Word, would know the Father's mind if they are that close!

Let's see what we have established. From the very beginning of eternity God the Father and Jesus the Son, The Word as John calls Him, have been together. We have also established that though they are co-equal, each has a specific responsibility. The Father thinks, the Son speaks, and let's not forget that Genesis 1:1 tells us that the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the chaotic earth. There we have it, the Three-in-One, the Godhead, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow we will discuss the advent, the humanness of Jesus. Amen and Amen.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Corinthians 12:18

"But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased" I Corinthians 12:18

I have noticed a disturbing trend among Christians. More and more I hear people say things like, "The church would be better off without so and so" or "Why don't they just leave, we'd all be better off." I've even heard Christians say they wished other people dead. I Pray that they were exaggerating, but still underlying all of this talk is a serious sense that many of us feel we can do without the others.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. We can't just pick and choose who we go through life with and we certainly can't pick and choose who God has decided to put us into fellowship with in the church.

Paul has a wonderful way of putting this into focus in I Corinthians 12:21-26 "And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our un-presentable parts have greater modesty, but our presentable parts have no need. But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it."

Can you get this picture of one part of the body arguing with the other telling it to leave. What kind of life would we live if that were the case. Likewise, if we are going around thinking that another member of the body of Christ is expendable then we cause the body to suffer and when the body suffers we suffer along with it. I might also add this goes for those who are not yet members of the body. We must never "write off" someone as too bad to be saved. We all need each other. Once we lose sight of that we have lost sight of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who died for us all and not just those we like to have around. Amen and Amen.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Matt. 14:14

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. Matthew 14.14

One of the most frequent phrases in the gospels is "Jesus being moved with compassion...." I never counted the exact number of times it occurs, but in listening to the Gospels on tape it seems like it appears in almost every chapter. Jesus would be tired and want to rest, then "being moved with compassion" he continued to minister. He would need to eat, but "being moved with compassion" he would feed the 5000 first. He would be going in one direction, but "being moved with compassion" he changed his plans to teach, heal or comfort.

We cannot have the mind of Christ and not be moved with compassion. It is one of the defining characteristics of Jesus life and ministry. In this phrase we see two components to Christ-like compassion. The first is a feeling. The second is an action.

To be compassionate, we must first feel the feelings of others. The pain of my brother or sister, my neighbor, my coworkers, fellow students and others around me must also be my pain. Remember, the image of the body of Christ in I Corinthians 12. If I get up in the middle of the night and stub my toe in the darkness, the rest of my body doesn't just say, "Oh well, that's the toe's problem, let it take care of itself." No! The whole body reacts. The brain coordinates action sending blood to the area to aid healing and raising the temperature in the area. The feet and legs modify how they walk to give the toe some rest. The eyes examine the toe to see if the damage is serious. The fingers hold the toe and test to see if it is broken.

So, it must be in the body of Christ. We must all react to the pain of our brothers and sisters. We also need to extend this compassion to the world at large. A hungry child, an abused wife, a person trapped by addiction, a youth caught up in the deception of a gang, a business executive running to stand still in his business, a teenage girl unmarried and pregnant. We cannot ignore these people, and we must not condemn them. As someone once said, "The only time to look down on anyone is when you are holding out a hand to help them up."

Which brings us to the second component of "being moved with compassion." That component is action. We don't simply need to "feel" compassion for someone then go on our merry way happy that it isn't us. What we need is to put legs to our sympathy. When Jesus was moved with compassion, he got busy. James tells us that if we just say, "Ah it's too bad you are hungry and without clothing, be fed and be clothed" with out doing something about it our Christianity is really no good to that person.

We must not only feel t he pain of others, but we must also do what we can to relieve that pain. So, here are some practical ways to do this. First, pray for the person as you would pray for your own need. Seek the face of God for that person's needs. Second, ask yourself, what do I have that can help this other person. If someone is without food, and you have a well stocked pantry, why not sneak a box of food onto their doorstep, ring the doorbell and slip away. Third, ask yourself, what can I do to help this other person? Sometimes, the easiest thing we have to give is material things, food, clothing, money, etc. It is often harder to give of our time.

If someone is facing an emotional crisis, can you spend a few hours on the telephone with them listening, comforting and praying with them? If someone's car is broken down, can you give them a ride? If someone needs work done around the house while they are recovering from an illness can you donate some time to wash dishes and sweep the floor?

To be like Jesus, we must be "moved with compassion." So, maybe it's time we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gen 19:12

"Then the men said to Lot, "Have you anyone else here? Son-in-law, your sons, your daughters, and whomever you have in the city, take them out of this place!" Gen 19:12

Questions. We ask them every day. "Where are you going, son? Who will you be with? How long will you be? What are you going to do?" When we ask questions, we expect answers. As we discovered last time, we don't always get the answer we want. Today's verse asks a question and gives an answer, but the answer didn't fit well with the facts of reality.

God had just told Abraham that He, God, was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the grievous sin of homosexuality (sound familiar?). Both cities were filled with moral, spiritual, and physical filth. It seems that the citizens of these communities were beyond redemption for Abraham had pleaded with God to save the cities if fifty righteous people were found there. Then, not believing himself that there were fifty, he bargained the number to forty-five, then forty, then thirty, and finally twenty. It seems that he might have felt fairly secure at twenty among the thousands of residents of both cities.

When God's angels entered Sodom, they went straight to Lot's house and asked today's question. "Whom else have you here?" True to God's word, the census was taken. Lot was sure he had a significant number. He was asked to lead them all out of the city. The end list was rather dismal. Lot assembled his two daughters, his wife, and himself. Even counting the two angels, the number of righteous in Sodom amounted to six. It is rather obvious that Lot didn't have much to account for during his say in "Sin City." And even what he had was suspect.

The angels lead Lot and his family out of the city leaving them at the city limits. They then instructed the family to flee to the hills and not look back. Suspect family member number one was Lot's wife. We all know that she looked back as the city exploded into flames, and was turned into a pillar of salt. Her heartstrings were attached to the allurement of Sodom. What we often overlook is the remainder of the family members.

For some reason, Lot did not turn to Abraham. He hung out in the hills with his daughters. At some distant point the daughters disparaged every being able to marry and plotted an act every bit as shameful as any of Sodom or Gomorrah. "We're not getting any younger, and we have no hope of ever marrying," said the oldest. "Let's get our father drunk on the nights when we are most fertile and lay with him." This plot they carried out to perfection. Both became pregnant by their father. Suspect family member numbers two and three. Lot didn't have much left. How many were really with Lot? The count is down to one. And what about Lot himself? Even Lot is suspect. Why was he living in the city? He was a shepherd. Is it possible that Lot did not see the green grasses as much as he saw the gleaming lights of Sin City?

How many are with you? Hmmmm. I think I had better take stock of my life. What about you? What are we really living for? Where are we really going? What are we really doing with our lives? Who are we taking with us? Do we want to leave a legacy that matches Lot's, or Abraham's? Amen.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Matt. 8:29

"And suddenly they cried out, saying, "What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?" Matt. 8:29

Some questions come out of curiosity. Little Catherine is looking at a bug. "Mommy, why do bugs have wings? Why is the worm fuzzy? Why did God create mosquitoes?" I have to admit, that last one has bugged me, too.

Other questions come out of rebellion. Your teenager daughter wants to go to a party. You know that the family hosting the affair is morally suspect, so you say "No." "But, Daddy," she squeals in protest, "everyone of my friends are going. Why can't I?" At this point there is no reasoning in the world that will resolve the conflict. "Because I said so," is the only possible answer. Reason will prevail tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year, well maybe in a decade or two.

A few well-spoken questions arise out of fear. Today's question fits that bill to a "T." "What business do we have with each other?" The demons are speaking to Jesus. They recognize the traveling preacher for who He is, the Son of God. They may have met before on another battleground. More likely, they had seen his mug shot on the bulletin board on the walls of "Demon Post Office Number 5." The label under the unflattering picture said, "SBI (Satan's Bureau of Investigation): MOST WANTED. GREAT REWARD IF YOU CAN TURN HIM. EQUAL REWARD IF YOU BRING HIM IN DEAD." Oh, yes. These fellows knew Jesus. He was no stranger to them.

And they knew something else too. They knew the times and seasons. "Have You come here to torment us before the time?" It would seem that the enemy forces know that there is a time when they will have to admit defeat. There will come a time when they will face the music, and it will not be a sweet tune they dance to. No, there will come a time of great torment for the evil they have done. But that time was not yet. There was, however, a problem. Jesus had met the demoniac of Gadarene. The possessed man was, shall we say, uncomfortable with his ever-present companions. It appears the tormented individual was in deep need of deliverance, and the Son of God was the one to provide it.

I find it strange that the demons and Jesus "negotiate" for a reasonable solution. Jesus was to set the man free. The demons did not want to be sent to Hell where they would be eternally punished. "Hey, there is a herd of swine on the hillside. If you insist on taking away our home, how about sending us there?" Out they came. In they went. And over the cliff ran the swine. Who said pigs were dumb animals. They knew that they did not want to be possessed by these evil beings!

The demoniac sat at Jesus' feet and praised Him for setting him free. He wanted to stay in the presence of Jesus forever. But that time would be delayed for a while. Jesus had a mission for the new child of God, "Stay with your people and tell them what the Son of God has done for you."

You have probably figured out by now that I am going to ask you a question. "What do you and Jesus have to do with each other?" I'm not implying that you are a demon, or a demon- possessed individual. What I do want you to think about is your relationship with the Savior. Are you truly in love with Him? Are you so filled with desire for Him that you would do anything to please Him? Or, are you lukewarm? Has your heart grown attached to the things of this world? Has pleasure and a life of ease dampened the affection you had for the Master? What DO you and Jesus have to do with each other? Amen and Amen.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


"And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, "What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is" Gen. 21:17

OK. Hagar had made her own bed. Now she was sleeping in it. For years she had been rubbing her fertility in Sarah's face. Ever since Sarah had her child, Hagar had been making life miserable for both, and her son Ishmael had been doing the same. Now they were outcasts from the family they had loved and been loved in. While she probably knew that a righteous judgment had come upon her, she was never the less saddened and heartbroken by her situation. It was bleak. It seemed that death was eminent. They had neither water nor food. Starvation was not the true enemy. Hagar knew without the water, food was useless. She did what any good woman would do, she cried out to God, if there was a God as Abraham had taught her.

Ishmael was crying in the wilderness; Hagar had given up, and God spoke through an angel in the midst of her turmoil asking, "What is the matter with you, Hagar?" I can just hear the voice in Hagar's mind shouting, "Here I am in the desert without water and food. My son is dehydrating, even faster not that he is crying. We are going to die out here and there is not even anyone to give us a proper burial. What do you think is wrong? If you are truly from God, you know full well what is wrong!" But, there is no record that she spoke those obvious words. It appears she remained silent. The angel continued, "Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is."

Have you ever asked a "stupid question"? You know, the one you wished you could take back. We all have, usually in the most embarrassing possible setting. What do you think when it appears that God is asking you a stupid question? Do you respond like my imaginary Hagar conversation? All to often we do. Hagar was probably silent because women were not allowed to speak in public to men. That didn't keep her from thinking. We are freer in our society. Most of us don't think twice when an authority figure approaches us. We are of the nature that we will speak our minds. I went to a meeting the other night where people were supposed to submit questions on paper. In the midst of an explanation, a woman stood up and rebelliously spoke her mind, and not in a very pretty tone of voice either. That is just the way human beings are. If we heard the audible voice of God ask us, "What is the matter?" We would be likely to give God a few choice words before we allowed Him to respond, especially if the problem was as obvious as Hagar's.

But God IS asking us, "What is the matter?" He asks us constantly. Not because He doesn't know, but because He wants us to respond. People have an independent spirit, however, in spite of our independence, or perhaps because of it, we are often in trouble. We say a cross word to the boss. We are in trouble. We pass on a bit of juicy gossip that is flat out false; it gets back to the object of the wagging tongue. We are in trouble. We are late for work and exceed the speed limit through a radar trap. We are in trouble. We say something derogatory in class. We are in trouble. So let's stop the cycle.

When God asks you, "What is the matter?" Will you be honest? Or will you be sharp and nasty? God never asks a question He doesn't want the answer to. What will you say? "I hurt." "I have failed and I feel so bad." "I have made some serious mistakes and my wife hates me." When God asks, be honest. He knows what the problem is. He just wants you to express it in your own words. Then He can resolve the difficulty. Amen and Amen.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Matt 12:15

"But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all" Matt 12:15

If anyone could have boasted, it would be Jesus. He was the Son of God. He was a miracle worker. He could produce gold out of the mouth of a fish. He could raise the dead. It seems that there was nothing that He couldn't do. And all of this is true. Still, when it came to a point when He could boast, He told everyone to keep His story a secret.

He could have aroused the crowds into a rebellious frenzy. He could have commanded a legion of angels to prepare the way. If a follower were killed, He could have brought them back to life - He could have lead an undefeatable army! Supply lines - no problem. He could have spoken quality food into existence to feed His soldiers.

The people would have followed Him anywhere. They already followed Him into the wilderness - without food, water, or provisions. They knew He would take care of them. They would have followed Him into the very throne room of the Caesars! He was that popular.

But, in all humility He preferred to remain in the background. I can't recall a single time that He boasted upon Himself. Oh, He boasted alright. He boasted on His Father. He was proud of the Word. He loved the Temple, the House of God. But He never presented Himself in a proud manner.

Now, I, on the other hand, would have done just the opposite. If I could perform a miracle, I would want someone to take note. If I had a following like Jesus, I would want to promote it. If I could turn water into wine, I would want to bottle it. If I could multiply the loaves, or heal the sick, or raise the dead, I would be disappointed if my picture was not on the cover of Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" edition. I would try to parlay it into a Nobel Peace Prize.

Don't laugh! You can't tell me that you would desire anything less. All of this leads me to think, "Pastor Edwin, you have a long way to go before you look like, walk like, talk like, and act like Jesus." How true. How about you? Praise God, Amen and Amen.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ex. 33:18

"And he said, "Please, show me Your glory." Ex. 33:18

Ah! Now it will happen. We shall have an eyewitness and know what God looks like. Moses has the boldness, the confidence, the perfection necessary to actually see God's face. Praise the Lord of Moses. We shall vicariously experience the viewing of GOD!

What's that? Uh, Moses didn't see God's face? Oh, that's right. God told Him that no man could see His face and live! Still, God wanted to honor Moses' request. So, He told Moses that when His glory marched by, He would put Moses in the cleft of a rock and put His hand over Moses to protect him. Then, after the glory of the Lord had passed, God would take His hand away and Moses could see the back of God. Ah! That's the story. So we won't get to see God's face, but we can have a report on what the back of God looks like!

Let's have it! Bring it on! Uh, Moses doesn't say a thing about it? Why? There must not have been that much to write about. But this is assured: Moses was transformed. How do we know? Read on. "It came about when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses' hand as he was coming down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him." (Ex.34:29) Moses' face shown with the glory of God! He had a total visual transformation! Incredible!

I have observed people who, before their salvation were torn and twisted with the stresses of life. After their salvation, their physical features relaxed and the inner beauty that now dwelt within them showed through the outer shell. This, too, is a transformation - a physical transformation. We all know of someone who has been healed by the hand of God after the doctors said there was no hope. They have been transformed by the glory of God.

You and I may or may not have had such a physical transformation, but we have certainly had a transformation of the inner being. Where once we were dead in spirit, driven to destruction by the sins we had committed, we were cleansed and made alive. Our cinder-black, burned out souls were recreated and given new life by the breath of God - His Holy Spirit Am I right? Yes, I hear those shouts of "Amen!"

Moses continued to wear the veil in front of the people of Israel. At first it was because the glory shown so bright on him that the people were frightened. Later, according to Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:13, he wore the veil to keep the people from seeing that the physical manifestation of God's glory was fading. Paul continues by telling us that this should not be our experience. Our features should show the glory - and that glory should intensify as we draw ever closer to the Father. Paul says the veil is taken away from us because the world needs to see Jesus, God the Son, in us! And what is the glory of the Father? Remember what His very essence is? That's right. Love.

Let's God's love shine in and through you every day. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Matt 21:22

"And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matt 21:22

This verse is not a guarantee that we can get 'anything' we want simply by asking Jesus and believing. God does not grant requests that would hurt us or others or that would violate his own nature or will. Jesus' statement is not a blank check. To be fulfilled, our requests must be in harmony with the principles of God's kingdom. The stronger our belief, the more likely our prayers will be in line with God's will, and then God will be happy to grant them.

Where we get wrong in prayer is that we are so self-willed. We set ourselves to pray for things; we vow to sit up all night to bring God round to our way of thinking; we use strong crying's, tears, and protestations... And then we are surprised if the fig-tree does not wither, or the
mountain remove.

Where are we wrong?... There is too much of self and the energy of the flesh in all this. We can only believe for a thing when we are in such union with God that his thought and purpose can freely flow into us, suggesting what we should pray for, and leading us to that point in which there is a perfect sympathy and understanding between us and the divine mind....

Then the Spirit will lead you to ask what is in the will of God to give, and you will know instantly that the Spirit intercedes within you according to the will of God. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Luke 10:27-28

"So he answered and said, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." And He said to him, "You have answered rightly; do this and you will live" Luke 10:27-28

A friend of mine had two dogs, German Shepherds, one male and one female. The female was somewhat docile and easily cowed. The male was rather mean and intimidating. I often visited my friend and became acquainted with his animals. I could learn to love the female; she became friendly. The male and I appeared to be sworn enemies. We never approached anything remotely associated with friendship though he did ignore me after a time. One was loveable because it was loving. The other was respected because of its fierceness but never loved.

I have known children who share the same temperaments of those two German Shepherds. The ones who climb into my lap and make themselves at home are loved. The ones who shriek and hide whenever they look at me are respected as children, but not loved.

Likewise, I have had bosses who share similar characteristics. Some are mean and gruff, growling at every good and bad deed. These are respected and obeyed because they have instilled a sense of fear in me. Others are loved because they truly and honestly care about me as an individual. If my wife is ill, they ask about her. If a son or daughter is to be married, they not only send a nice gift; they attend the wedding. These are loved... because they love.

When it comes to the "love the Lord your God" requirement for believers, we can approach that "loving" with similar attitudes. If we experience God as the Law Giver, an old Man with a white beard who says, "Thou shalt not" and seldom responds, "Yes, My son," then we have a respect for God because He is to be feared.

If we know God as a loving Father... one who is concerned about us and is willing to help us through times of trouble, it will be easier to love Him. We should not fall into the trap of believing that God is a big "Teddy Bear" of a fellow with a fat belly and a ready laugh who has deep pockets and a bag full of "Hershey's Kisses." While God does indeed love us to distraction, He is also a disciplinarian who will apply the "rod of correction" in a spiritual sense in order to keep our souls pure and holy. Still, even then we know that God loves us... and it is easy to love Him in return. It all depends upon our understanding of God.

I pray that you know Him as the benevolent, loving Father that He truly is. After all, He did simplify the law and sent His Spirit to help us obey the one commandment, to love the Lord thy God and love your neighbor as yourself. Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Josh. 22:5

"But take careful heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul" Josh. 22:5

Sometimes the obvious is the most difficult to see. Sherlock Holmes often found the convicting evidence where no one else bothered to look, right out in the open. In "The Case of the Purloined Letter" Holmes found the missing document in plain site but overlooked through numerous searches by Scotland Yard.

The question often asked by Christians is, "Why am I here? Why did God create me?" We struggle with that question from the time we first realize that God has a purpose and plan for our lives. In my case that question came when I was a teenager. For others, the question was asked at a much later stage in life because they came to the Lord much later than I. Still, no matter when we come to Jesus, we all eventually ask the question in one form or another.

So, when did I find the answer, you may be asking. I found it a few years ago when I realized that my mission, my purpose, my reason for existing is the same as yours. Joshua summarized it in a very simple way in today's verse. Read it again.

Why am I here? Why are you here? What are we to do with our lives? We are to love God, walk in His ways, keep His commandments, cling to Him and serve Him with all that we have. Sherlock, move over. Joshua has announced the question that all mankind has been asking for thousands of years. And that answer is as obvious... now... as was the stolen letter to Mr. Holmes.

Ah, but there must be more to it than that! There's not. That is God's plan. In its very simplicity, it is very complicated, not that God makes it so. It is our interpretation that makes it so difficult. Amen and Amen.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pro. 23:6-8

"Do not eat the bread of a miser, Nor desire his delicacies; For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. "Eat and drink!" he says to you, But his heart is not with you. The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, And waste your pleasant words" Prov. 23:6-8

Today's verses paint quite a picture, don't they? I imagine sitting down to eat with Jabba the Hutt from the Star Wars films. Jabba was a gangster type individual who was humongously fat and ugly. Everyone served Jabba. No one dared deny "his majesty" anything. To eat with this character was to pledge allegiance to him. At that point everything one has became the property of Jabba, for the price of a meal! No, I do not consider that eating with Jabba to be an appealing prospect.

But eating with a selfish man would be exactly like that. The "free food" one receives will cost everything. The delicacies devoured will become poison to the soul. Should a person desire his possessions and riches, he will destroy and take all for his own. The selfish man has no one's interests in his mind but his own. The end result is sickness, sickness of heart and soul.

So, if eating with a selfish man is madness and eating with a king is foolishness, whom do we eat with? The obvious choice might be a wise and selfless man. This type of individual gives with no desire to receive in return. He will invite a person to a meal without expecting to be invited for a reciprocal visit. He will share his last slice of bread without reservation. He will take the coat off his back and give it without hesitation. And his gift is totally without strings attached! But there is another source of food that we might want to consider.

Jesus is to himself as "the Bread of Life" (John 6:35 and 48). Jesus tells us that anyone who eats of this Bread will never hunger again. Hmm! That sounds good. He also tells us that all who eat of physical bread will die, but those who eat of His Bread will live forever. Yes! That sounds even better. Could you imagine the reaction of the 5,000 if they had heard this about the bread Jesus broke and multiplied for them? There would have been a lot of hoarding going on, not for personal consumption but to share with beloved family and friends!

But Jesus is speaking of neither physical hunger nor physical life. He is referring to the spiritual hunger that slowly eats at all men's bodies. We all long for a time when our spirits are at peace. Until we find the Bread of Life, a throbbing knowing that "something" is wrong tears at our insides. We search high and low for nourishment that will satiate that hunger, but nothing lasts. Riches satisfy for a while, but that soon proves to be fleeting. We may try to satisfy our appetites with physical pleasure, but that too leaves us empty. We can accumulate "things" only to find that these satisfy about as long as a bowl of rice gratifies a serious hunger.

Only Jesus can provide what all men seek. Only He provides real peace. Only He brings life, anything else provides, at best, temporary satisfaction.

If you are hungering today for something that you cannot find, your search is over. The Son of God desires above all else to meet your needs, beginning with your need to be a peace with the Father. Call upon Him today. He will satisfy forever. Amen and Amen.

Now I have serious question for You... Are YOU Right with God?

True Christianity is not about attending a particular church, or how your parents raised you, or what country you were born in. Being a Christian means that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that He is your Savior. It's not good enough that your priest, pastor, mother, or aunt knows Jesus, you must know Him for yourself. They cannot believe in Him for you, you must believe for yourself. They cannot repent for you, you must repent for yourself.

Jesus is everywhere all the time. He can hear you now if you ask Him for forgiveness. Please turn your life over to Him NOW. Time slips by so quickly, don't miss this opportunity. If you want to pray and ask Jesus to be your Savior, you can say a prayer something like this:

"Jesus, I know that I have sinned against you. I know the truth is that I have sinned by my own choice, and I am the one responsible for it. I know that I have earned punishment from you, and that the fair punishment would be death. Jesus, I believe that You died in my place. Forgive me for my sin. I cannot cover or take my sin away, I am relying totally and only on You. You are the only one who can save me. I reject my sin, I turn away from it, I repent. Come into my life, take away my sin, and show me how to live my life in a way that is right and pleasing to You." Thank You Jesus, Amen

If you have prayed this, YOU ARE SAVED! You are now completely forgiven, a new creation, innocent in the eyes of God, please e-mail me and let me know and I will guide you toward Fellowship and Baptism. Welcome to the family of God! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hebrews 13:2

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels" Hebrews 13:2

Today as I was reading my Bible this verse jumped out at me. To me it is saying let the love of God shine through me. In Hebrew times it was a common practice for people to take strangers in overnight. They showed the Love of Christ, not knowing if who they were helping was a spy or a brother or sister in the Lord.

Today we would say times are very different, but we can show the Love of Christ in many ways in our daily lives. Many people cross our paths in a day's time. We don't know the struggles they are going through. Most of the time we see the bad side of people. But this might be from being let down or from being hurt so many times by others. If we would start by offering to open a door for them or say a kind word, offering a word of encouragement to a person whom is hurting. Trying to have a smile on your face, a pleasantness that will allow others to see Christ in us. Helping others without expecting anything in return can bring many blessings. Getting to know people has been a blessing to me. After we befriend a person, we get to see through the hard and ruff shell that all of us have.

The Lord has brought many people into my life, just at the time I needed encouragement or someone to talk with. TO ME THEY WERE ANGELS SENT BY GOD. By taking a step in faith, by letting Gods Light shine through you. You might be an angel that someone needs today. LET THE LIGHT OF THE LORD SHINE THROUGH YOU TODAY.

Father God, we thank you for how you bring people into our lives. For the many ways you bless us in and through others. Help us to entertain strangers and show them your love through us. Shine through us (I want to be in the Light as You are in the Light) each and every day Lord. Even in times when people treat us rudely and unfairly. Show us ways to help and encourage others. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prov. 23:4-5

"Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease! Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven" Prov. 23:4-5

Someone once said, "Show me your checkbook, and I'll tell you what your heart is." Think about it. Now look at your checkbook. Go to the first entry where you deposited your paycheck. What is the next entry? Is it paying a bill? Buying groceries? Eating out? Shopping for a video? I should hope the first check is to your church paying your tithes. What is the second, third, fourth? Where is your heart? Where are your priorities?

Let's take another test. How much time to you spend in "church"? Write that down. Add to that the amount of time you spend reading the Bible. Now calculate the time you spend praying and add that to the previous total. Go ahead and add time that you spend EXCLUSIVELY listening to Bible based teaching on tape, CD, or TV. Total that list of times. How did you fare? Now compare that to the time you spend at work. Compare it to the time you spend in "play." Finally compare it to the time you spend with your children. Now how do you fare? From this can you begin to determine where your heart is?

The proverb writer tells us not to make ourselves tired by seeking to get rich. Hmmm. I've been there, at least I was seeking to gain sufficient that I didn't have to worry about where the next meal came from. But then, if I think about it, I did spend much more than forty hours in job related activities, at the expense of wife and children. What job do you think I have in mind? Teaching? Manufacturing? Construction? Ambulanceman? I am talking about my life as a minister of the Gospel. Frankly, I spent more time "working at ministering" than I did with God, and I was one of the good Bible believing guys!

Have you ever noticed that people who are rich don't quit working? Most of them work harder to get richer than you and I spend in order to make ends meet! Where does their wealth go? Mortgages. Cars. Sports teams. Business. More expensive toys. And there are some things that we just won't mention. It seems that there is never enough money in the bank to make people happy. How can a billionaire spend a billion dollars? It boggles my mind! When will Lee Ka Shing really retire? When will Cathay Pacific have made enough money and have enough customers that they will quit advertising?

Get Solomon's point? All the money in the world is not enough to satisfy our desire for wealth.

So what do we seek that will satisfy. Jesus. And when will we begin to recognize that fact? Let me relate a story that was told to me by a fellow pastor. Socrates supposedly had a man ask him how to gain knowledge. Socrates took the man to the river and waded in chest deep. He took the man's head and held it under water for ten seconds. He asked the man what he wanted, knowledge. He held the man under for twenty seconds and asked again, knowledge was the reply. A third time he held the man under water, forty, fifty, sixty seconds passed before he allowed the man to rise. "I want air!" Socrates told the man that when he wanted knowledge as much as he wanted air, he would get it.

When we want Jesus as much as we want air, we will find Him and love Him and want nothing other than to be with Him at the expense of all else. Amen and Amen.

Friday, October 16, 2009

matt 13:3

"Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: "Behold, a sower went out to sow" Matt 13:3

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase" 1 Cor 3:6-7

I was a farmer today. I may have been turning fallow ground, preparing it for planting. I may have planted seed, ready to sprout when someone else comes by to water. I may have watered seeds already sown. I may have pulled weeds that were wanting to choke out the new plants. I may have poured water on a parched, drought stricken field, bringing new life to nearly dead plants. I just might have harvested the results of others' efforts.

I was a farmer today. I may not know the results of today's labor on this side of heaven, but, I can sleep tonight knowing that a couple who claim to have once been Christians have heard again the Good News that Jesus wants to redeem them. I will be able to stand before the Father with a clean conscience, knowing that if they fail to enter the kingdom, the fault will not be mine.

I was a farmer today. I will not worry about the crop - it's in God's hands.

With dirt under my fingernails, Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gen 3:9

"Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?" Gen 3:9

Many years ago the teaching pastors of a church in another part of the world taught a series called, "Big Hairy Questions" seeking to answer some of our... well big questions about why God does what He does. Well, the Bible has a few questions of its own, and I thought we might investigate a few of those "Big Hairy Questions." Ready? Let's go.

The first question we will discuss is actually the second question in the Bible. "Adam, where are you?" That seems like a simple question with a rather simple answer. "I'm hiding from you, God," would be the expected response. But there is more to both the question and the answer than meets the eye. First, God's question. God knew full well where Adam was. Remember, God was still God and He had all of His supernatural powers long before man was created. Creation shows that God is all-powerful. The fact that He could conceive of all that it takes to make the universe spin in harmony shows that God is all-knowing. The fact that He and the Son and the Spirit were involved in all of the creation process shows that He is omni-present. Yes, there is no doubt that God knew where Adam was and why he was there.

So why did God ask Adam where he was? Have you ever asked "Little Jamie" why he had cookie crumbs on his face? You already knew the answer. Jamie had been eating cookies. Why did you ask him? Most likely you wanted to give your son an opportunity to "come clean" and admit his wrongdoing. Did he? Not likely! Jamie may have asked, "What cookie crumbs?" or "I don't know," or "Brother made me do it." Not quite the answer we expected and hoped for. Discipline followed because of the dishonesty, and that discipline was probably more severe that if Jamie had simply said, "Because I ate a cookie... or two." God wanted Adam to come clean.

But Adam hid the truth, in a grove of trees and behind a fig leaf. Instead of responding with the truth, Adam said, "I was naked and so I hid from you." More questions followed. Blame was cast upon "the woman" who passed it on to "the serpent" who took a blow to the head and slithered away.

So now I ask you a question. "Where are you?" Are you hiding behind some feeble excuse, your own form of a fig leaf? When God calls you, do you answer with something less than the truth? Of course God's question to Adam could easily be translated, "What have you done, Adam?" Well, what have you done that separates you from the fellowship of the Father? Remember, it wasn't God who was hiding from Adam... and He isn't hiding from you either. Go ahead. Answer honestly. You will experience the liberation that comes from restoration to the rich fellowship with the Father, the fellowship you lost when you followed the lead of the first question, "Hasn't God said...?" Amen and Amen.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 Sam. 2:10

"The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken in pieces; From heaven He will thunder against them. The LORD will judge the ends of the earth. "He will give strength to His king, And exalt the horn of His anointed" 1 Sam. 2:10

Some young people I know are "gamers." They play computer games until they have mastered every level. I, on the other hand, am not a gamer. Oh, I have tried my hand at a few. I bought a full version of "Age of Empires" and never discovered how to get anywhere. I bought "Bass Master Pro" and manage to catch a few fish if I stay in the same area. I bought a copy of a flight simulator and crashed the plane more often that I manage to land it. If there is a contest between me and a game, the game will win and I will be shattered. If my emotions were fragile, I could easily be crushed by that failure. Fortunately, I am a bit stronger than that, and I generally avoid playing that type of computer game.

There is one game that I do not intend to play, but millions of people around the world play it every day. That game is called, for lack of any other name, "Contending with God." The game is played this way: God issues a command, clear and simple. It could be something as simple as "Don't lie." The human player asks the question, "Why not?" and the game is on. The human is confronted with a situation in which the truth would hurt a bit. He is tempted to fabricate a total lie, but this would be obvious and result in losing the game. Instead, the player tries to tell as little of the truth as possible and still get away with what appears to be total truth. If he fools the human judges, he wins. The game continues until the player has mastered the "little white lie." He then takes greater risk, making his "white lie" into a "deception." The goal here is to make the judges believe that the deception is the same as the truth. If the player succeeds, he moves to the next level. He tries to tell an "outright lie." This is a bald-faced attempt to totally deceive the judges into believing that the player is telling the truth when there is absolutely no truth at all in the fabrication. If the player succeeds at this level, the judges declare him the winner and certify that there is nothing in this world that is not available to him.

There is only one problem. The ultimate judge is God, the one who issued the original command. It seems that God's standard of truth is "Absolute Truth." When God takes out the ruler of Absolute Truth and measures the player's fabrications, the player always falls short. He loses, game over, reset and try again, and fail again, or ask the Judge for forgiveness. If the player keeps trying again and continues to lose, he ultimately is crushed.

Hannah knew the end result of contending with God. The opponent is shattered, crushed, totally defeated. But the player who chooses to give up and rely on God's mercy lives a complete, whole life, he wins!

If you are playing this game with God, STOP! You can't win. Give up before it is too late. Stay away from the game. You don't want to be crushed and shattered as a glass dropped on a tile floor. Call upon the Ultimate Judge to be a winner. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1 Sam. 2:9

"He will guard the feet of His saints, But the wicked shall be silent in darkness. "For by strength no man shall prevail" 1 Sam. 2:9

Great things come in threes. The Trinity is in threes: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Moses was hidden for three months before he was placed a basket headed for the Nile. The people would cross the Jordan and possess the Promised Land in three days. Gideon took three hundred men into battle for the Lord. There were three Israelite men who were thrown into the fiery furnace. The fullness of the Gospel came in threes: the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus, and it happened in three days!

In three short lines, Hannah captures the essence of the Christian life. "He will guard the feet of His saints..." Notice that she does not say, "The godly keep their feet." That would put the godly in charge of their own lives. Nor did she say, "The feet of the godly keep them safe..." That would put the godly in the hands of nature or chance. No, Hannah knew that God was in charge. He directs the paths of the righteous, and the righteous are made righteous by the sacrifice of the Son of the Lord Most High.

The wicked are not so well protected. They "shall be silent in darkness..." Notice that Hannah does not say that God silences them, though He definitely has a hand in the process. It is simply a statement of fact. The wicked are silenced. And they are silenced in darkness.

In the third line Hannah tells us that "no man shall prevail" by himself. "For not by might shall a man prevail." Strength alone cannot conquer temptation and sin. We all know that we can not resist temptation for long. Eventually we will succumb to the pressures of well placed temptations. Nor can we eradicate that sin on our own. The only soap strong enough is the blood of the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

Hannah knew what she was saying. She had lived it, and came out the winner. You can too if you put your trust in Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Amen and Amen.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Phil. 1:6

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" Phil. 1:6

Paul was facing a true life-or-death situation. Every time the door opened Paul was confronted with the possibility that the news would be that Caesar had decided his case and he would be executed on the morrow, and Paul lived that way for a couple of years! I don't know that I could endure that. I am certain that my fears would make me a very nasty person to be around. It wasn't so with Paul.

His first reaction was to give thanks. He had various reasons. He wrote to the Philippians to express his thankfulness for their lives! I would have written begging them to pray for my soon release! Paul expresses his confidence that God would complete the work that He had accomplished in Philippi through Paul's ministry. His body may be in chains in Rome, but his spirit was with the saints in Philippi.

Paul spends several verses talking about the mutual relationship these saints and Paul had. He shares with them the special place he holds in his heart for them. He encourages them. He ministers to them. He is totally upbeat. Even though he expresses the uncertainty of his situation, there is no doubt that he has total confidence that his fate is in the hands of God, and that he is content with God's decision.

We can speculate all we want about how we would react to a serious threat to our lives. We may have total confidence in our faith in God to see us through. Or, we may express our doubts and fears. But in the end, all of this is pure speculation. Conversation about the unlikely breeds confidence in our own strength.

The real measure of how we would do then is how we face the comparatively small tribulations we face every day. How do you react when some person cuts you off in traffic? How do you react when your phone bill arrives, and the bottom line says you owe HK$2,500.00. How do you react when the checker drops the dozen eggs you placed on the conveyor, and you know for a fact that was the last dozen eggs in the store? See what I mean? These minor tribulations cause our blood pressure to jump to new heights, our faces to flush as though a volcano is ready to erupt, and our palms are clenched in an effort to control our anger.

OK. You don't do any of those things. How do you react when your little child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, for the fifteenth night running? What do you say when your bosses secretary hands you a pink slip, with no explanation as to why you are released from your job? How do you react when the doctor says the cancer is back, and there is little hope for remission? Do you scream at God asking why He would do such a thing to you?

Now you can begin to see how you would react if faced with a trial such as Paul's.

So how do we change our ways? We can begin now to do as Paul did. We can give thanks for the good things God has done. We can be an encouragement to the brothers and sisters around us. If we can do it in the face of the little things, we can perhaps do it when we face the really big problems. Amen and Amen.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mark 14:27

"Then Jesus said to them, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: 'I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep will be scattered." Mark 14:27

It's interesting what happens when a leader falls. In most cases his following breaks apart. It may take a while. There may be a power struggle among his assistants or generals, but sooner or later the breakup will occur. It happened to Alexander the Great. It happened to Indian tribes in battle. It happens on the modern battle field. And it happened to the 12.

Jesus fell - He was arrested, imprisoned, beaten, judged and crucified. Of the 12 apostles, only one was found at the foot of the cross - John. Peter denied the Lord and went out and wept bitterly. Judas, filled with remorse, flung the 30 pieces of silver in the faces of the priests and hanged himself. The others fled in their own way.

Only the women seemed to be clinging to the last bit of hope. Some how, some way the remaining 11 and the women and a few other disciples made their way back to the upper room . . . but the mood was gloomy. "What will we do now?" was a common question. Doubt filled their hearts. Depression filled their minds.

Even the women were figuring out how they would get into a sealed tomb to finish the embalming process that was cut short by the sunset and beginning of the Sabbath. They were scattered, lost, lonely, and fearful. Jesus' words were true - as always. But something was different about this scattering. The Leader would not remain dead. The embalming spices would not be needed. Even Thomas' doubts would be erased. The Leader would raise from the dead. The Shepherd would gather his scattered flock. The seemingly derailed move of God would once again be on track.

Even today, the Church, the Flock, seems to be scattered. In most towns there are Churches on every corner - all proclaim the Good News that Jesus is alive - but they refuse to fellowship with each other. Pastors of differing denominations gather in ministerial alliances - and argue about doctrine. Baptist is turned against Baptist. Methodist against Methodist. Lutheran against Lutheran. Backbiting and distrust permeate the relationship so that the world views a Church that is far from the united powerful organization that God intended. Come Lord Jesus. Unite your Flock again. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

John 5:19

"Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner." John 5:19

In today's verse Jesus says that He can do nothing but what He sees the Father doing. Isn't that something. If it is true that Jesus only did what His Father did, then shouldn't we be doing the same? But how different we run our lives. How often we drive down the road of life doing our own thing, happy as can be - until something happens - something goes wrong. Then who do we blame? Where do we turn?

Ever prayed this prayer? "Lord, help me! I've gotten myself in a big mess. I need you to fix it for me." Something is wrong here. First of all, I never see Jesus praying that prayer! Why didn't He? He didn't have to. He always sought the Father's advise before He did anything. Remember he would spend all night in prayer even after the disciples would be fast asleep. Even - no especially - before the day of His death, He spent the night in prayer. What did He pray?

"Lord, if it is your will, take this cup from me. But not my will but Yours be done." Even in this trying time, He was willing to do the Father's perfect will. This leads to the second thing that is wrong. We seldom ask God for direction before we set out. We seem to think we know everything - until we are proved wrong.

Instead, we need to be like Jesus. We need to seek the Father's will before we act. Imagine the difference in our lives if we knew what God wanted in every circumstance. We can, you know. The Father is more than willing to tells us when and where to go. What and whom to do it with - everything. Even if there seems to be no obvious answer, this prayer always seems to work: "Father, it looks like a door is open to me. I have sought Your will and still don't have a clear direction. I will proceed to go through this door, but I ask that You close it if You don't want me to." Trust me, I have had more doors closed because of this prayer - but I have also pried open a few that He had nailed shut! I suggest that you avoid this action at all cost! Let's follow Jesus pattern. Let's watch the Father and do what He does. Let's ask Him and do what He says. I can guarantee that our lives will be safer, fuller and richer than ever before. Amen and Amen.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Phil 1:6

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" Phil 1:6

God is intimately involved in our spiritual growth. The God who began a good work in us continues it throughout our lifetime and will finish it when we meet him face to face. God's work "for" us began when Christ died on the cross in our place. His work 'in' us began when we first believed.

Now the Holy Spirit lives in us, enabling us to be more like Christ every day. Paul is describing the process of Christian growth and maturity that began when we accepted Jesus and continues until Christ returns.

God will keep working even when we are discouraged. Do you sometimes feel as though you aren't making progress in your spiritual life? When God starts a project, he completes it! As with the Philippians, God will help you grow in grace until he has completed his work in your life. When you are discouraged, remember that God won't give up on you. He promises to finish the work he has begun. When you feel incomplete, unfinished, or distressed by your shortcomings, remember God's promise and provision. Don't let your present condition rob you of the joy of knowing Christ or keep you from growing closer to him. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Luke 9:1-2

"Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick" Luke 9:1-2

Notice how Jesus equipped His disciples for ministry. He knew that when they began preaching the kingdom of God and healing the sick, demonic powers would bring opposition. So He specifically gave them power and authority over demons.

Later Jesus sent out 70 of His followers on a similar mission, and they "returned with joy, saying 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name'" (Luke 10:17.) These missionaries were spiritually in tune enough to know that demons existed and that they were a force to be reckoned with in their ministry. Jesus' followers had been eyewitnesses as the evil spirits opposed the Master, and they probably anticipated the same treatment. Perhaps they even started out on their mission with pangs of fear and doubt about encountering demonic resistance. But they came back astonished at the victory they experienced over evil spirits.

But Jesus quickly brought the issue of spiritual conflicts into perspective: "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Jesus sent out the 70 to preach the gospel and to heal, but all they could talk about when they came back was how they sent the demons running. "Don't be demon-centered," Jesus replied. "Be kingdom-centered, be ministry-centered, be God-centered."

That's a very good warning. As you learn to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness in your life and in the lives of others, you may be tempted to see yourself as some kind of spiritual freedom fighter, looking for demons behind every door. But it's truth which sets you free, not the knowledge of error. You are not called to dispel the darkness; you are called to turn on the light. You would have no authority at all if it weren't for your identity as a child of God and your position in Christ. Amen and Amen.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

James 1:22-24

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was" James 1:22-24

I looked into the mirror today - and I saw a hideous man looking back at me! Ever done that? My wife had a beautiful cousin, her name was Mei Ying. I remember staying at her house one night and getting up to go to the bathroom and being scared half to death. I saw a strange woman in the house, one I had never seen before in my life. When I told my wife about it in the morning, she said it was Mei Ying without her wig and make-up. Sorry, cousin Mei Ying. You know I Love you.

But I'm not talking about the mirror in my bathroom. I looked into the mirror of my soul. That's where the hideous creature stared at me. Its then that I realized that it isn't the thickness or thinness of the body - or hair; its not the lack of a night's growth of beard; its not even the missing "morning breath," nor is it the makeup or clothes that makes a man - or woman beautiful. Its what's inside.

I guess the Lord is showing me some changes that need to be made. I cry, "but Lord, I've tried before - and failed! Its hopeless!" I sense Him saying, "So let me do it. All you have to do is give me what you see in the mirror." Stubbornly, I cling to the "uglies" of my life. They may be ugly, but they are MY ugly.

"But Pastor Edwin, you are a doer of the word," you may be saying. And indeed I try to be. But the Lord has been showing me through His Word, through my wife, through my best friend, through the books I read that I must do some inner remodeling. In this I am NOT a doer of the Word. I am a hearer only.

What do you see in your mirror? Do you like what you see? Are there small blemishes that mar a nearly perfect image? Or, do you see a menacing monster staring out of bloodshot eyes? One that wants to devour you - and your relationship with your God? Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Psalm 91:3-4

"Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler." Psalm 91:3-4

Let's take a look at the results of God's protective power.

"He. . . delivers you from the snare of the trapper. . ." Imagine walking down a path when you get the sudden urge to look down. There you see a small wire stretched across the path. You get down on your knees and examine the wire. You follow it to one end and find that it leads to a trigger mechanism that stretches up a tree. Looking in the tree you see a net. It doesn't take long to realize that you have just found a snare. If you hadn't looked down when you did, you would have tripped the wire causing the net to fall on you and trap you in its web. That is the way the Lord works. If we are in His care, trusting in Him, He will protect us from all those traps we frequently find ourselves falling into.

". . . and from the deadly pestilence." I recall reading about the Black Plague. It is a disease that invaded the home then spread to the neighboring homes and finally engulfing entire neighbor hoods and towns. In it's shadow was pain, suffering, and, mercifully, death. The Lord can protect us from those diseases. He has promised to shelter His children from all the diseases that plague the world - if we will dwell, abide, take refuge, and hide in His fortress.

"He will cover you with His feathers. . ." Imagine being protected by the feathers of God. If you've ever snuggled down in a goose feather mattress, you know how it surrounds you and enfolds you protecting you from the cold. God seeks to do the same with us. He wants us to take shelter within the confines of His feathers.

"And under His wings you shall take refuge; . . ." There is no safer place to be for a little bird than under it's mother's wings. That's where God calls us to when we are in danger.

"His truth shall be your shield and buckler." Now here is a promise. God's faithfulness will provide protection. Think about it. Imagine that you are a policeman. You are about to enter a dangerous situation so you put on your bullet proof vest and a helmet with face shield. How do you know you can trust them if you are shot at? It's usually because the supplier has demonstrated the impenetrability of the equipment. They have taken you to the pistol range where they have placed one of their vests on a dummy. You have shot your weapon at the dummy and examined the results. Indeed, the vest has stopped the projectile. You don your vest with confidence because of the faith you have in it. God is even more faithful - and that faithfulness is a full body shield for us. But more than that, it is a wall (bulwark) behind which we can take shelter and turn the attack of the enemy. Isn't our God a great God? He sure has a way of protecting us if we so choose. Amen and Amen.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Matt 28:19

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matt 28:19

In Ephesians 4:11, Paul relates the five-fold ministry of the Church as leaders having the ability to be teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophets and apostles. Each having their own function and duties within the Church and while each of us may be used in some area of each of these functions, there seems to be specific gifts given to those whose sole ministry is functioning in at least one of these areas of ministry. Some are teachers, some are pastors, some are prophets, etc.

While we are all able to go out and be instruments of salvation for some, the Evangelists seems to have a special ability and calling to perform their special function of preaching the good news and bring into salvation the lost, while the pastor and teacher has other special functions.

Many feel that going out and getting souls saved is the same as going out and making disciples. It is not the same. It is comparatively easy to proclaim salvation from sin, but Jesus comes along and says, "What about you - if you would be My disciple, deny yourself, take up that cross daily, and follow Me."

Being a disciple of Christ may begin with eternal salvation, but discipleship means much more to a believer in terms of sanctification, and giving over the right to SELF and spiritual growth for the church. While being saved from hell and put right for heaven is an incredible and wonderful event, becoming a disciple of Christ is infinitely grander as we grow into temporal value to God giving up our right to ourselves for Him.

Lets All think of someone we want to invite to Church and actually DO IT. Amen and Amen.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Psalm 115:11

"You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield" vvPsalm 115:11

Some time ago I read an article about some mission organization directing their workers to refrain from using certain terminology. They were asked to refer to a group of meetings as something other than a "campaign." unfortunately my memory fails me on other details of the article, but the effect was to remove all militaristic terms from the Christian vernacular in Midwestern and third world nations.

On the outside this looks to be a simple enough and maybe even reasonable request. Instead of an evangelistic campaign, it is possible to hold a "crusade." Oops! That one is not allowed either. Well let's see. We could call it a series of evangelistic meetings. On the other hand, "evangelistic" might be taken wrong by some. We certainly don't want to offend non-believers by letting them think that we want to change them. So "evangelistic" is out. "Crusade" is out. "Campaign" is out.

Come to think about it, this dictate rather "gutted out" the whole drift of the great commission. It even takes a lot of the Old Testament out of play too. Look at today's verse. God is our "shield." That is a military term. Today we might refer to Him as our "armored personnel carrier" or our "bullet proof vest." Of course this is all defensive - and that is not too offensive to those who wish to keep Christians on the defense! The problem is that a shield was used to get a man into position to go on the offense. It's purpose was to make him impregnable to the blows of an enemy while getting him close enough to strike a knockout punch himself.

So God is our shield? I like that. He is our protection, our help. He is also getting us into the battle! And that is offensive to many people who are antagonistic toward our Lord.

I say, if the shoe fits, wear it. Christians are supposed to be offensive. We are to "BOLDLY go into all the world." That's aggressive. We are to "PREACH the Gospel." That is striking the enemy with decisive blows with the "SWORD of the Spirit." Then we are to "make disciples." That means we take captives. We DEFEAT the enemy, take their people captive, and - horror of horrors - TRAIN them to be slaves of Jesus Christ!

So, I guess I am on a "CAMPAIGN" to get people to "CRUSADE" for righteousness in order that we might "WIN the war" that God has set us to "FIGHT." If that OFFENDS the rest of the world, so be it. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ruth 4:14

"Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel" Ruth 4:14

Naomi had had a rough life. Her husband lead her from their home into a foreign country because of severe drought. Her two sons married heathen women. Her husband died in that strange place. Then her sons followed their father into the grave. Naomi was a sad, bitter woman (by her own admission. "Don't call me Naomi, call me Marah - for I am bitter.") There was nothing left for her to do but return home.

Calling her two daughters-in-law, she set them free from their family obligations. They did not have to follow her. They did not have to care for her. She was going back to the only place she knew that offered any comfort. Perhaps she could persuade one of her distant relatives to take her in.

Of course we know that Ruth followed her, found Boaz, married him and all lived happily ever after. (No, this is not a fairy tale. It's really true.) We also know that Ruth and Boaz are in the direct linage of David and ultimately Jesus, the Messiah.

Now to you and me. God took care of Naomi's need. And He will take care of ours. Not only will he meet our needs, His greatest desire is to bless us. God didn't have to provide Naomi with a grandchild. She could have lived in her old home and gleaned in the fields until she died an early death. Ruth could have found some scoundrel of a man in the fields of a villainous man, married him and been beaten and abused. Or she could have met a poor man with an acre farm and lived a happy, but poverty ridden life.

But God had other plans. He wanted to bless Naomi and Ruth. He gave them the best. And He wants to give you the best. He really does. But as Naomi had to be obedient to the call of God to return to Israel, so must we be willing to obey the call of God upon our lives. We must be ready to give up some of the busy work that we take upon ourselves. We need to be obedient when He tells us to move in a certain direction. And when we do, His blessings follow. Not because of our obedience, but because our obedience draws us nearer to Him. Amen and Amen.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Psalm 96:1-3

"Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples" Psalm 96:1-3

How do you know a person is happy - really happy? Music! They will be humming, singing, dancing, whistling. Music is the language of happiness. God wants us to be happy in Him. He wants us to sing to Him. Before you shout "I can't sing!", note that singing in some areas of the Psalms includes "make a joyful noise." Now that is something all of us can do!

Did you know that singing can be an evangelistic tool? Yes, haven't you ever had anyone respond to your "joyful noises" with "why are you so happy?" Respond with (and you can sing if you want)

"I'm so happy and here's the reason why, Jesus took my burdens all away! Now I'm singing as the days go by, Jesus took my burdens all away.

Once my soul was burdened by a load of sin, Jesus took my sin and gave me wonderful peace within! Now I'm singing as the days go by. Jesus took my burdens all away!"

That's a pretty good testimony, if you ask me. Guaranteed to bring a smile - and a few more questions - or a few "I knew he was crazy" stares, but the answer is true and the seeds are planted. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

James 1: 2-3

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" James 1:2-3

Today this world is desperately attempting to redefine anything that would convict it of sin. Sin has become a very "relative" term. The world is attempting to say, "What is sin to you may or may not be sin to me. Everything is relative. " Whether you realize it or not, this philosophy is being taught in all of our schools. All students today, understand this principal. Simply said, There are NO absolutes." Implied meaning, "There is NO God." Scripture tells us to, "Stay away from those that call good evil and evil good." That is a difficult task, especially when our children are required to attend schools and receive an education by the state.

Even the churches today will accept sinful behavior in favor of Political Correctness. Oh we cannot take a stand on that issue or lifestyle, such as homosexuality, we might be called too "Radically-Right." We must adapt and fit in and be socially acceptable.

Martin Luther once said, "If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God expect precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady in all the battle front besides is but flight and disgrace if you flinch at this point."

Five hundred years later, Martin Luther King Jr. said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Where do you stand?? Amen and Amen.