Sunday, September 13, 2009

1 Sam 23:17

"And he said to him, "Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you. You shall be king over Israel, and I shall be next to you. Even my father Saul knows that" 1 Sam 23:17

Jonathan knew the truth. He would never be king. It didn't make any difference what his father wanted, he was not king material and he knew it. He was satisfied with the role that God seemed to have made for him - second in command.

We need to be just like Jonathan in this respect. It makes no difference what we want to be, or what our parents want us to be, or what our spouse thinks we should be. What is important is that we be content with what God wants us to be. If He wants us to lead thousands, we will and be happy about it. If he wants us to lead a solitary life and write books, fine make it so, we will be content doing it.

Our problem is that we often look to the glamorous things to do. We want the good life. We want the high profile tasks. We want. . . . Then, when we get it, we are not satisfied. Something is missing. It just isn't enough. Why? Because we are not what we were created to be. We will never be satisfied until we fulfill that role.

Could this explain why so many people change jobs frequently? Could this explain the arguments and fights that take place in Church board meetings? Is it possible that this is why there is so much in-fighting and back-biting in the Fellowship of God? Indeed, it could be. We need to spend our time doing what God wants. He will lead us in paths that will satisfy us. As a matter of fact, if you are not fulfilled in your present position, perhaps you are in the wrong one. Are you there because you want to be there, or because God put you there?

Mostly, God will use you where your talents and enjoyments lie. He will never make a cook out of someone who hates to be in the kitchen. Likewise, he will never make a mechanic out of someone who likes to cook.

He has given you the talents and abilities you have for His purpose. Use them for Him and you will find contentment. Amen and Amen.

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