"Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans" John 4:9
Yesterday I started a series based upon the story of the Samaritan woman. The first of five details or elements in this story is the Samaritan race. They were half-breeds, shunned by the pureblooded Jews. It is these folk that make up the second element of the story.
The Jews were not only pureblooded, they were proud of it. It wasn't always that way. When the Jews first became a people, Abraham dwelt peacefully among the Canaanites. His son and grandsons did the same. It wasn't until the much greater nation possessed the land we know as Israel that they became arrogant, and even then it took generations to refine the art of nobbery. It was well refined when Jonah was told to go to the gentiles and preach. He refused, then
he went reluctantly, then he preached without heart, and finally he was embittered when the people repented. From this time on the trend became a downward spiral in direct proportion to the upward tilt of the distinctive Jewish nose! Even after Jesus told the believers to go to "Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world," they were reluctant to share the Good News with anyone but those they considered true Jews.
Unfortunately, too many church members are much like the Jews, and too many pastors are too much like the worst of the Jewish snobs, the Pharisees! We approached the attitude a bit yesterday, but let me expand the thought a bit more. How many people do you know who have become ministers? A few? That's good. How many have become missionaries? Don't know any? That's not unusual. Very few Christians want to become missionaries and sacrifice themselves on foreign fields. After all, the pay is poor and the living conditions are worse. In essence, we are snubbing our noses at the rest of the world, oh, don't get me wrong. The Church is still sending missionaries around the world. They are still spending a of money to spread the Gospel to other nations. But, at the same time we are walking around with our noses hiked up so high our spiritual necks ache and we don't know why.
Yes, many church members are very much like like the Jews of old. We much prefer to pass on the other side of the world and spend a few bucks on missionaries who are willing to go to the nations.
However, that is not the call we received when we signed on to the Army of God. Remember that call? " Go ye therefore into all the world. Preach the Gospel, baptizing those who believe, and teaching them all the things I have taught you." is that not your commission? I hate to disagree with you, but it is. That call is extended to all believers, you included. If you ignore it, is it possible that the Father will ignore you and not heed your prayers?
Think about it. Amen
Monday, June 1, 2009
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