"And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found in the house of the LORD, and in the treasuries of the king's house, and sent it as a present to the king of Assyria" 2 Kings 16:8.
Ahaz was not a good man. Never was. Never will be. It just wasn't in his nature. He was selfish, proud, arrogant, selfish -- oh, I already said that. There was nothing Ahaz wouldn't do to please himself. So, when the kingdom was on the line, Ahaz did the only thing he could do to save his position -- he emptied his personal coffers -- wrong! No, he emptied the coffers of his national bank account -- wrong again! He went to the Temple and robbed the wealth that was held in the storage rooms there! Can you imagine the nerve of this man. Robbing God! I suspect that he thought God wouldn't mind. After all, God never did have much to say to Ahaz. Only those prophets came around and gave nothing but harsh warnings. I suspect Ahaz though, "I'll show Him who's boss. I'll just use His wealth to keep my enemies happy!"
Speaking of robbing God, none of us would think of breaking into our local Church and stealing the sound equipment and selling it so we could buy a new car. None of us would ever take money OUT of the offering plate as it was passed! Of course not. We are an honest people and we honor our God by being honest.
Or are we so pure in our relationship with God? We may pay our tithes, but do we do any work for the Lord on Monday? Do we ever call on a new visitor? Do we ever visit the sick in the hospital? Do we ever volunteer to teach a Sunday School class? Do we offer to cook a meal for some bereaved family -- even though we don't know them personally? Do we help the janitor clean the building after the morning service so he can get home at a reasonable time? Do we even pick up our own trash after the service? No? Then you are robbing God.
Do you watch movies you shouldn't watch? Do you drive over the speed limit? Do you look hungrily at that luscious looking co-worker with the gorgeous body? Do we shout at our kids and show them no love? Do we buy them things to make up for our lack of personal time with them? Yes? Then you are robbing God.
You see, theft comes in many forms. God has required more of us than our tithe -- though if you are giving less than 10% of your income to the work of the Kingdom, you are robbing God, too. He requires our time. He requires our love. He requires that our love be expressed to our family and our neighbors -- and our enemies! He requires our lives -- and not just part of them, but all of them. If we are only giving 10% of ourselves, we are robbing God. If we are giving 95% of ourselves, we are robbing God -- and we are just as guilty as Ahaz!
You may have missed it yesterday, or in the last hour, but you can start over right now. Go ahead, give Him your all. You will find that He gives much more in return! Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.
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