"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes" Matt 11:21.
There's something about success that brings arrogance. I guess it comes naturally. If you are the best, then you are the best and no one can deny that. The problem with arrogance is that it breeds contempt. Contempt is an attitude that says "I'm the best and you are nothing." Obviously, that is a dangerous position to take. No one likes to associate with a contemptuous person -- they just seem to make you feel small. But it doesn't stop there. Contempt gives way to complacency. Complacency is that position which says "I'm the best. No one can touch me. Therefore I will lean back and take it easy."
If I recall my childhood stories correctly, it was complacency that brought an end to the rabbit's reign as the fastest of the animals of the field. You may remember the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. Mr. Rabbit was so far ahead that he though he could take a nap -- so he did. Mr. Turtle knew he was not fast, but he kept plodding along at his slow but steady pace. Eventually he slipped by Mr. Rabbit who was cutting a few "z's". At the last moment the rabbit awoke, realized what had happened and cut in the afterburners -- all to no avail. The tortoise won by a "hair" (sorry for the pun!)
What's the point? Israel was "so far ahead" of all other nations that they thought God would never turn on them -- after all they were the "chosen of God!" Jesus pulls their heads out of the sand by saying that Tyre and Sidon -- to very ungodly city-states destroyed generations before by God, would have repented of their sins with great mourning if they had seen what Israel had seen in the form and actions of Jesus. God would bring destruction upon Israel again if they didn't repent and accept Jesus as their Savior! (And so He did in 70 AD when the Roman army breached the walls of Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple -- which has not been rebuilt to this day.)
The Church is in much the same position. We have seen so many "moves of God," we have participated in so much world evangelism, we have been so close to God, that we feel invincible. "Because of all we have done, it is inconceivable that God would ever turn His back on us," is the common thought. The problem is that this is an inaccurate statement. When God sends Jesus to collect His bride, He will come for a purified bride -- one that is spotless and pure -- not one that had compromised and played the part of the unrepentant harlot. That "bride" will be shunned. Jesus is trying to "clean us up," but the Church often refuses. Instead she continues to be "inclusive" towards those who are in direct opposition to what we read in God's Word. She defers to popular opinion rather than God's Truth. She waters down the Gospel we preach so no one will be offended. Jesus is calling the Church to repent! Let it begin with me -- and you! Amen and Amen.
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