"So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:33.
There was a sign outside a local church. It said, "Free trip to Heaven. Details inside." I saw this sign and had varying thoughts about it. My first thought was "evangelistic aren't they?"
My second thought was "no, not really. The details should be carried by each member to the interested persons." That would make them evangelistic. Jesus never intended for the details of His grace to be locked up in a brick building with a cross on it.
Then I thought "Free? You've got to be kidding!" Yes, grace is free. God's mercy is free. But salvation? That's not free." -- and salvation is what is being offered as the ticket to Heaven.
So how expensive is salvation? It cost Jesus His life. It cost Paul a lucrative career in the Jewish services. It cost many early Christians a trip to an arena full of hungry lions.
So what does it cost, this "Free" salvation. Jesus says it in today's verse, "no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions." That "Free trip to Heaven" seems a little expensive -- but it is well worth it if you have any foresight at all! Amen.
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