"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked;for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." Gal 6:7
Some things in life are certain. Some are not. Today's verse is certain. If a farmer sows beans, he will get beans. If he sows dandelions, he'll get dandelions. What Paul is saying is that what you put into your life, you will get back. If you sow alcoholic beverage into your life, you are likely to grow a case of alcoholism -- fancy language for "you may become a drunk!" If you sow illicit sex, you are almost certain to eventually get an incurable disease -- AIDS is only the most famous of the batch of incurable STD's. If you sow greed, you may die a very rich, but miserable person.
With this in mind, we can determine that Paul is saying that if you want to push the limits of God's Law and live for yourself, you will end up in Hell. However, if you want to reach Heaven, you will have to push in that direction by obeying the commandments of the Lord. In all reality, the choice is totally yours. No one will force you to go wrong. No one will force you to go right. You may be presented with some pretty powerful arguments one way or the other, but in the end the choice is yours.
Fortunately, if we choose to be heaven bound, we have some good fuel to boost us in that direction. It starts with the Blood of Jesus bringing us to salvation. It continues with the Word of God directing us (the Light for our paths). Along the way we receive some high octane called the Holy Spirit who empowers us to do what God wants us to do with our lives. All in all, it's a pretty good deal. Make Jesus your final answer. Hallelujah, Amen and Amen.
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