Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jeremiah 18:6

"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel!" Jeremiah 18:6

Do things seem a bit crazy in your life from time to time? Does the world seem to be spinning around you? Do you have trouble with your orientation in this life? Well, consider the clay on the potter's wheel. It's being spun around, fingers are digging into it, it's beingshaped and formed and reformed. When an air bubble pops up the potter has to cut through it again, maybe even break the vessel, add water and reshape it once again.

Does any of this sound familiar? I know it does in my life. I remember some years ago, a friend of mine said something that made a lot of sense. He said, "The problem with people on the potters wheel is that they look around them and see the room swirling about so they get dizzy. What they should be doing is looking up toward the still point of heaven and let the potter do his work." Not a bad idea. When the world seems to be spinning out of control and we are feeling overwhelmed by things around us, we need to stop looking at them.

We need to look at that which is not moving and cannot be moved. We also need to know that the potter knows his business. He knows what He's doing in our lives. The clay doesn't know. The clay doesn't know whether it is being shaped into a vase, a cup, a water vessel or a flower pot. But never worry, the potter knows what He is making of you. Our job is not to figure out the potter's plans or even to help with the design. Our job is to sit still on the potter's wheel and let the potter mold us into what He wants us to be.

Several years ago, John Fisher wrote a song called Master Potter which went:

~~ Master Potter ~~

Turner of the Wheel
Lay your hand upon me
Show me what it real
It's hard to trust you
Yet you know the way
To make a useful vessel
From this piece of clay

Lord, help me to remember that you are the one who is shaping what I am becoming. Give me the endurance to stay on the wheel until you have finished your work. Amen and Amen.

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